Basic and applied research go hand in hand at our station. We are curious about the genetic basis of disease resistance and methods of its identification in apple newselections and many other research topics. We also cooperate with esteemed research institutes from the Czech Republic and abroad. The acquired knowledge helps us to bring you disease-resistant apple varieties with very good fruit and growing traits and high commercial potential.
In research, we join tradition and modern methods
In our research projects, we employ traditional breeding techniques and molecular and genetic methods. Support from the Czech grant agencies helps us considerably on our mission to refine and streamline the breeding process and develop apple selections for current needs.

SMART plant biotechnologies for sustainable agriculture
2024 - 2028; The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS CR)

Innovation in the breeding of new domestic apple varieties using a genome-wide association study (GWAS)
2024 - 2028; The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

Modern breeding using molecular-genetic methods to make selection and practical application of new apple tree varieties with high resistance to significant apple diseases faster and more effective
2021 - 2025; The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic

New apple varieties suitable not only for organic production
2020-2022; The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR)

Centre for Experimental Plant Biology
2018-2023; The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS CR)

Support for the process of commercializing the results of research and development at the Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR v.v.i.
2016-2019; The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA ČR)

New biotechnological products of IEB AS CR
2014-2015; The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS CR)
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