Ing. Radek Černý, PhD. – head of our team
(+420 ) 225 106 492
Radek gained invaluable experience with fruit growing and breeding abroad. While working in Germany, he accidentally visited our station in 2007. After joining our team two years later, he learned a lot from our founder J. Tupý over time and in 2016 became the head. Besides leading our team, Radek is responsible for communication with our German-speaking business partners, managing breeding and research projects, applying newselections for Plant Variety Rights, drafting license agreements, and also takes part in promotional and commercialisation activities. He is a proud member of the expert committee Fachkommission Kernobst.
Seat of IEB in Prague
Rozvojová 313 (Building B2)
CZ-165 02 Prague 6 - Lysolaje
Czech Republic

Ing. Miloslav Juříček, CSc. – researcher
(+420 ) 225 106 410
Miloslav draws upon his long-term experience in bioinformatics and a broad array of molecular techniques. He therefore plays an invaluable role in our research and analyses that help us with breeding and evaluating our newselections.
Mgr. Věra Forejtová – administration
(+420 ) 225 106 493
Věra is dedicated to plant variety rights, commercialisation, promotional, and other administrative tasks, and is partly engaged in our research. She is also a member of the Managing Board of Jaroslav Tupý Endowment Fund that was established in honour of the remarkable scientist, breeder, and founder of our station J. Tupý.
Mgr. Veronika Janečková – administration

maternity leave
Now on maternity leave, Veronika was mainly responsible for activities related to plant variety rights, variety commercialisation, promotion and other administrative tasks. She also helped to establish and was engaged in Jaroslav Tupý Endowment Fund.
Květa Rabochová – lab technician
(+420 ) 225 106 491
Květoslava (or Květa) is responsible for various lab tasks and analyses that help us in the evaluation of promising apple selections.
Breeding Station Střížovice
Střížovice 20
CZ-463 45 Pěnčín
Czech Republic

RNDr. Dimitrij Tyč, PhD. – researcher, breeder, and deputy head
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Dimitrij has participated in many projects focused on mapping and determination of apple varieties. He is mainly engaged in breeding, research, and promotional tasks. One of his strong suits is also communication with our English-speaking partners.
Ing. Zuzana Jelínková (Krčková), PhD. - researcher

maternity leave
Currently on maternity leave, Zuzana used to be specialised especially in carrying out various analyses and other laboratory and scientific tasks.
Ing. Jan Zima - grower and breeder
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Jan has impressive knowledge of everything that revolves around apples, gardening, and even more. His decades-long experience is particularly helpful in growing and breeding.
Ing. Otto Louda (Jr.) - grower and breeder
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Otto inherited passion for apples from his father Otto Louda Sr., who helped establish the breeding station in 1955 and bred several famous varieties (e.g. Rubín, Shampion) there. Otto Jr. later became part of the team himself as a grower and co-breeder.
Mgr. Jaroslav Kozák - grower and technician
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Jaroslav also takes part in the fieldwork revolving around apple growing and breeding, including maintenance of machines and other indispensable tasks.
Zdeněk Haleš, DiS. - grower and breeder
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Zdeněk carries out tasks related to growing, breeding and selection. He also has the responsibility for making sure that the seedlings in our modern greenhouse are well catered for.
Zdeněk Mikula - technician
(+420 ) 485 177 430
Zdeněk is responsible for many field activities such as maintenance of machines and equipment and overall technical support.
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