Home Ι Varieties Ι Dessert varieties Ι 'Nubia'
'Nubia' is a medium-to-late dessert apple variety bearing large fruit with delicious full harmonic flavour. This breed boasts resistance to scab, low need for pruning, high and regular yields, overall cultivation friendliness, and good storability of fruit. All this together makes 'Nubia' a promising variety for home gardens and organic production.
Origin: 'Rajka' x 'UEB 2583/1'
Tree: habit ramified, drooping, medium vigorous, produces many fruiting spurs, bears on spurs only, diploid
Blossom: medium late
Productivity: precocious, high and regular, fruit thinning not required
Disease resistance: resistant to scab, tolerant to powdery mildew
Community Plant Variety Rights EU 51499 (granted 25.02.2019)
Plant Variety Rights in the Czech Republic CZ 60/2018 (granted 13.12.2018)
Picking time: end of September, 7 days before 'Golden Delicious'
Storability: in natural storage till end of March / beginning of April
Fruit size/shape: size large, shape obloid, ribbing moderate, stalk medium to long
Colour: ground colour yellow, over colour on about 80 % of the skin, dark red, solid flush with weakly defined stripes, bloom moderate, russet-free
Flesh and flavour: flesh creamy-coloured, medium firm, crisp, fine-grained, juicy, flavour full, harmonic, sweet-tart, very good