Promoting our varieties, getting feedback, and networking are all important parts of our work. We attend specialised fairs where we promote our varieties and discuss with our partners. However, getting in touch with ordinary people is also very important to us. After all, it is apple consumers who give purpose to our work.
Meet us and our varieties at international fairs
Visiting professional fairs and conferences helps us keep abreast of current developments in our field. It allows us to improve our methods with a single goal: to breed high-quality apple varieties for you. Plus, it is always a great pleasure to have a talk with our business partners and see them promote our varieties.
Our club varieties Bonita, Opal®/UEB 32642 and Melinda® Dolce Vita/UEB 6581 were among the managed varieties displayed at the Interpoma Variety Garden of the Interpoma fair 2022 (Bolzano, Italy)
Opal® apples displayed at the Interpoma fair 2022 (Bolzano, Italy)
Visit our events
At open days of the Institute of Experimental Botany in Prague (usually held in November), exhibitions, visits, and other events, we introduce ourselves to both professionals and laypeople. Our visitors can get a glimpse of how our breeding endeavour looks like, and that it is about much more than pollination and field work. Visit our events, learn more about our work and taste some of our varieties.
Open days at our Institute of Experimental Botany, Prague are always well-attended. Curious minds can find out more about what it is like to be a researcher or breeder, and taste our apples
The 2024 exhibition "Apples with a story" presented (not only) both our well-established varieties and the hottest newselections (photo by Matěj Kania)
In 2022, we introduced ourselves to President of Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) Francesco Mattina and other guests
Read more about our latest initiatives and events in News or contact us. We will be happy to hear from you.