'Acrobat' is a new columnar apple variety with autumn ripening term, very good taste and robustness to diseases. A great plus point is that it has no special growing requirements and is easy to manage. Overall, this apple has many traits just right: Its growth is medium-strong, yields are regular and the flavour is well-balanced. That's also where its name comes from. As a columnar variety, 'Acrobat' is suitable in particular for home gardens as a solitaire or for hedges.
Tree: habit compact columnar, weak to medium vigorous, diploid
Blossom: medium early
Productivity: precocious, medium high, light fruit thinning is recommended
Disease resistance: resistant to scab, low susceptibility to powdery mildew
Community Plant Variety Rights EU 59370 (granted 20.09.2021)
Plant Variety Rights in the Czech Republic CZ 3/2020 (granted 27.01.2020)
Plant Variety Rights in Switzerland CH 24.3171 (granted 31.10.2024)
Picking time: mid-September, together with 'Gala'
Ready to eat: early after harvest
Storability: in cold storage till end of January, then it loses juiciness
Fruit size/shape: size small to medium, shape conic, stalk medium long
Colour: ground colour green-yellow, over colour orange-red, flushed with weakly defined stripes on the majority of the skin
Flesh and flavour: flesh creamy, medium firm, crisp, juicy, taste very good, gently melting, sour-sweet, with well-balanced sugar/acid ratio