'Barby' is a late dessert variety suitable for both intensive plantings and private gardens. Its crunchy, juicy fruit with a unique aromatic taste is favoured (not only) by children. That's also where its name (inspired by the famous dolly) comes from. Its fruit flavour together with the specific, pinkish red over colour make 'Barby' a distinct, easily recognisable apple variety.
Origin: 'Mira' x 'Bohemia'
Tree: tree type ramified, vigour medium, tree habit spreading, forms wide crowns, bears on both long shoots and spurs, fruits dispersed both individually and in clusters, diploid
Productivity: medium high, light fruit thinning recommended to ensure regular bearing
Disease resistance: resistant to scab, quite tolerant to powdery mildew
Community Plant Variety Rights EU 51498 (granted 25.02.2019)
Plant Variety Rights in the Czech Republic CZ 61/2018 (granted 13.12.2018)
Picking time: end of September to beginning of October, with 'Golden Delicious', careful manipulation with fruits recommended (susceptibility to bruising)
Storability: in cold storage until March, in ULO (Ultra-Low Oxygen) conditions until May
Fruit size/shape: size medium, shape obloid, stalk medium long
Colour: ground colour yellow, over colour on 50 - 70 % of the skin, pinkish red, flushed with weakly defined stripes, no russet
Flesh and flavour: flesh firm, crisp, juicy, flavour very good, full, aromatic, with balanced sugar to acid ratio, very specific and typical of the variety